Case Studies Detail.


Gateway Casinos




56 Year Old

Acquired Diseases

Cervical Cancer

Q 1 What is PCOS?

It is a complex hormonal disorder with incidence  around 5 -10%.  In PCOS there are enlarged ovaries with small multiple cysts along with high levels of circulating hormones called androgens which in turn causes irregular periods. It is the leading cause of anovulatory infertility.

Q 2What are the signs and symptoms of PCOS?

It is a unique disease with spectrum of clinical presentations.

1  It generally starts around puberty where it causes irregular periods, missed or delayed periods, short and light periods or sometimes heavy   bleeding.

2 Excess of abnormal hair growth on cheeks, chin   and other parts of body like thighs, legs etc.

3 Acne on face, chest and back, oily skin

4 Obesity and difficulty in maintaining ideal body weight

5 There may be dark skin patches around neck folds, armpits. This is called acanthosis nigricans.

6 Skin tags on the neck

7 Thinning hair on the scalp

8 Difficulty in conceiving as regular ovulation does not happen.

9 Depression

Q3 What causes PCOS?

The exact cause of PCOS is not known. The pathology could be genetic or environmental but is related to insulin resistance. This hormone is produced by pancreas and helps in conversion of food into energy. When you are resistant to it  there is rise in sugar level and body makes more insulin.  This increase in insulin level causes male hormones androgens to rise and causes irregular periods, acne and excessive hair growth.

Q4What are the risk factors of PCOS?

PCOS can run in families with no clear-cut mode of inheritance. If one is having obesity, then the risk is higher.

Q5 How to diagnose PCOS?

1Complete history including menstrual history and family history  is needed.

2 Physical examination to check for BMI, acne ,  skin tags , abnormal hair growth  etc.

3 Investigations like   hormonal profile- TSH, AMH, FSH, LH, prolactin, testosterone, DHEAS   sugar levels and lipid profile may be needed.

4Pelvic ultrasound to look for ovarian multiple small follicle cysts [fluid – filled sac with immature eggs]

Q6How to manage PCOS?

A combination of medications and other supportive therapy are needed to   manage the symptoms but most important is lifestyle modification.

Losing the extra kilos sometimes helps in making periods regular. Regular physical activity helps in reducing weight and mood booster. Diet control with exercise helps in maintaining the BMI   towards normal

Hormonal birth control pills can help in making periods more regular and prevent endometrial hyperplasia [ excessive thickness of endometrium]

Medicines like metformin, myoinositol, vit D helps in reducing insulin resistance, reducing weight   and improving ovulation.

Stress management and relaxation e.g. yoga, meditation   can be beneficial

Q7How to manage PCOS with infertility

All the above mentions are tips and tricks which helps in conceiving. Many women face challenges when trying to get pregnant. Along with these medications like letrozole can restore ovulation after checking uterine factors, tubal patency and male parameters.

Gonadotropins are the used as second line if   ovulation inducing medicines are not working and are associated with higher success rate. Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is the   for those where medicines is not working . The risk includes adhesions, infection and decrease ovarian reserve.

IVF is usually the next line of management with good chances of pregnancy rates. . In these cases embryo cryopreservation with deferred transfer is a safer approach .it is really important to consult with an IVF specialist to discuss the fertility plan .

Q8 How to manage PCOS – long term health risk?

The cyst seen in the ovaries are not painful or dangerous. Around 40% of women with PCOS   can have associated metabolic syndrome. Diabetes, high blood pressure hyperlipidemia and endometrial cancer are the long-term health risk.  Women should have lipid profile, oral glucose tolerance test and  blood pressure monitoring done regularly .


Challenges Encountered

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Donec et orci dui. Duis quis nisi facilisis, elementum.
Sed nec sapien congue, auctor diam ac, tincidunt augue.

Treatment Methods

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur suscipit dolor vulputate odio gravida, non eleifend quam fringilla.

In ac ex eu metus tempor convallis vitae a lacus.
Donec et orci dui. Duis quis nisi facilisis, elementum.
Sed nec sapien congue, auctor diam ac, tincidunt augue.

Treatment Results

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur suscipit dolor vulputate odio gravida, non eleifend quam fringilla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse lectus nisi, laoreet id venenatis eget.

Nullam mollis egestas lorem sit amet dictum.
Vivamus laoreet vitae velit vel mollis. In et magna libero.
Mauris finibus neque quis purus pellentesque.
Pellentesque tincidunt turpis eu suscipit ultrices.